Thursday, October 2, 2008

Over the counter acne treatment

« ...As surprising as it sounds, acne prone skin can be improved by a proper diet. Because your skin is the largest organ, it makes sense that the foods you consume are reflected by your individual skin condition. Because of this, if you have healthy eating habits- it will result in healthier looking skin....
...It is important to read the leaflet carefully prior to start using antibiotics....»

«...Good skin care can help control symptoms: use mild cleaners and blot your face dry, and be sure to use non-irritating skin-care products such as the Zenmed Rosacea System. In extreme cases, laser treatment or surgery may be necessary to remove visible blood vessels or reduce wetness....»
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tags: how to get rid of body acne and pimples, does cigna cover acne scar removal, information on acne rosacea

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